Social climate & PSR :
Putting the human at the heart of the corporate
Does our collaborators are satisfied with their working conditions?
Why so much absenteeism?
How can we facilitate the collaborators' well-being?
How can you promote the employer-branding image of your company?
The company is required, from an ethical, moral and legal point of view, to measure the social climate and to detect situations of stress and unhappiness.
By assessing job satisfaction , you give yourself the means to anticipate and reduce risks while acting on individual and collective involvement and performance.
The Psycho-Social Risks (PSR) and social climate survey:
from prevention to performance
Personalised and targeted advice
Based on experimental approaches for PSR detection and social climate survey :
PSR : use a universal standard questionnaire, the Karasek model for example. It includes 26 questions that assess 3 dimensions of the psychosocial environment at work (psychological demand, decision-making latitude, social support) to which the interviewee answers via an agreement scale.
Social climate: questionnaire radiographing the engagement parameters, sense of belonging, work motivation, stress, collaboration and transversal communication, visibility on the company's strategic orientations,...
Paying attention to the free expression of employees : implementation of a mixed qualitative (individual semi-directive interviews) and quantitative (measurement of qualitative insights) data collection mode.
Maximisation of the participation rate: multi-channel dissemination of the questionnaire (Internet, SMS, paper) and guarantee of anonymity for optimal participation.
Data perspective and analysis finesse for actionable results
Key indicators (overall satisfaction, engagement, sense of belonging, stress...) are measured and put into perspective with our benchmarks.
Indicators measured at the corporate level and by department/team for targeted corrective actions.
Analyses as part of a process of understanding and anticipating risk: typology of satisfied / unsatisfied, "at risk" / "at safety" employees, analysis of satisfaction and well-being drivers at work, satisfaction/involvement matrix.
Restitution mixing quantitative and qualitative data : numerical indicators illustrated by verbatim of employees from the qualitative phase and open-ended questions.
Results made available to managers, for an informed management of the company's internal policy and of each department
For direction and managers, highlighting areas for progress at the company's global level and by department/team (strengths, weaknesses, expectations, priority actions, etc.).
Customized online reporting platform available for each manager.
As the approach is designed to be part of a prevention and continuous improvement approach, we strongly recommend that you engage in a barometric measurement (recurring survey).
-Annual or biennial evolution of the indicators of satisfaction, engagement, sense of belonging...
-Effectiveness evaluation of the actions implemented over the last period.
-Identification of new projects and possible ways of improvement.
Our approach
Your benefits
A filterless collection of collaborators' experiences, guaranteed by confidentiality and anonymity management
360 ° consideration for social climate with a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach
A collaborator listening device adapted to your business